Argo Mobile is an Application for expense management (personal or corporate), itineraries view and travel approval.
Main functionalities:
Expense - Allows personal and corporate expense management (follows your companys expense approval politics and flow) containing the price, date, category, payment type and place where expense was made. It also allows the storage of the receipts picture and the attachment to an expense. You can generate graphics and reports of your expenses in custom periods.
Itineraries - Visualisation of the details of your solicitations like: Destination/Origin, departure date, flight number, seat, departure terminal, ticket number, destinations weather conditions, hotels ticket, hotels location map, vehicle category, etc.
Approval - Allows the approval according to the companys travel policy, visualisation of its information like: Travel reason, chosen fare/best fare, choice justification, debit Cost Centre, time limit, solicitation details, etc.
Observation - The use of its functionalities (corporate expenses launch, itineraries and approval) requires an users license or must be available through a travel agency using Argo Solutions system.